Watch For These Common Signs Of UTIs
Dog urinary tract infection symptoms and cat UTI symptoms are very similar and include:
- Frequent Urination, Often With Little Output
One of the first signs you might see in your pet is an increased need to urinate. Your dog will go to the door more often to be let outside, and similarly, your cat will start making more frequent trips to the litter box. Another telltale sign: multiple, tiny clumps in the litter box throughout the day.
- Increased Licking of the Urinary Opening
Pets don’t just lick themselves to be clean; they lick spots on their bodies where they’re feeling pain or irritation. If your cat or dog seems to be licking themselves around the urinary opening more than usual, it could be due to a UTI.
- Accidents in the House/Peeing Outside the Litter Box
When a dog that’s been successfully house-trained suddenly pees on the floor, it could be a sign that something’s wrong. Likewise, when a cat urinates outside the litter box—often in multiple places around the house—a call to the vet is warranted.
- Straining to Urinate
If your pet seems to be straining to urinate or whimpers or cries out, it signals that your pet is in pain, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your pet could have a blockage that requires emergency treatment.
- Blood in the Urine
The most conclusive sign that a pet is suffering from a UTI (or something more serious) is blood in the urine. If you see blood in your cat’s or dog’s urine, please contact us immediately.
Seek Treatment Right Away
Can a bladder infection kill a dog or a cat? The short answer is yes. Left untreated, UTIs can progress to life-threatening complications, including sepsis (infection of the blood), lower urinary tract dysfunction, and even kidney failure.
Commonly Prescribed Antibiotics
Once we confirm the diagnosis of a UTI, we will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.
What antibiotic is used for cat urinary tract infection? Uncomplicated UTIs in cats can usually be resolved with amoxicillin, cephalosporins, or the combination of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim.
What antibiotic is used for dog urinary tract infection? Amoxicillin, Clavamox, trimethoprim sulfa, and enrofloxacin are commonly prescribed for uncomplicated UTIs in dogs.
To learn more about UTIs in pets or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at (904) 731-8410.